Flugplatz Thun-LSZW
This flight plan has not been rated.
Recommended Aircraft
I suggest using the Cub Crafter X Cub in clear sky weather. As the X.Cub is not pressurized one can’t fly higher than 10,000 feet, but it’s enough to enjoy the scenery from a distance.
Flight Summary
A round trip from Thun LSZW to enjoy the view of the Jungfrau Massif. I started it initially with the excellent Grand Tour Flight Planner GTFP version 3.6, google it, and then I manually customized waypoints and the flight plan altitude. I suggest using the Cub Crafter X Cub in clear sky weather. As the X.Cub is not pressurized one can’t fly higher than 10,000 feet, but it’s enough to enjoy the scenery from a distance.
Uploaded By: syntclear
Flight Rules: VFR
Stops: 0
Downloads: 879

1. Take off from Thun (LSZW). Keep runway heading until 2.800 ft

2. Turn towards the second waypoint to overfly LSGR (Reichenbach Mil) gaining altitude at a rate of about 1,200 fpm. Adjust mixture every 2000 feet, you’ll end up at about 75%. Set RPM at about 95% to avoid overheating.

3. Overfly LSGR along the valley in the direction of the city of Frutingen continuing the climb to 7,500 ft.

4 Turn back towards LSGR and continue climbing following the flightlan to the Jungfrau Berg. Keep best climb rate for a spped of 85-90 K

5 When you reach 10,000 ft keep this altitude and enjoy the view.

6. Enough for sightseeing! Let’s fly this baby back to Thun.

7. Follow the flightplan descended steadily from 10,000ft to 2,800ft which is about the circuit altitude foe landing at Thun. The distance allows you to keep the descent rate smooth and pleasant to enjoy overflying Interlaken, before turning in to Thun.

8. When landiing be careful with the brakes but don’t overrun the runway! 

Flight Altitudes
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