Heraklion International Nikos Kazantzakis Airport-LGIR
This flight plan has not been rated.
Recommended Aircraft
Cessna 208
Flight Summary
An archaeological team of four people, after months of research around the town of Sitia in the Greek Island of Crete, , have to catch an airline flight from LGIR International Airport to go back home. They book a private flight to the airport so as get an aerial last glance at the archaeological site of Knossos Palace, just a few miles south of their destination airport.
Uploaded By: syntclear
Flight Rules: VFR
Stops: 0
Downloads: 863

Recommended instructions

Take off from Sitia and climb to 5500 feet to clear some high hills on the way to Iraklion.  Descend carefully  to about 1000ft to overfly the Palace of Knossos (wpt 3).  You have to fly low and slow while banking: watch you airspeed and altitude.  When the passengers are satisfied request clearance for landing at LGIR, regain altitude and separation to land in time for the checkout. 

Flight Altitudes
Recommended Add-ons
Knossos Palace by nikprist (free)