Gran Canaria and Tenerife
Recommended Aircraft
General aviation capable to fly above LVL 120 (not the Pitts!)
Flight Summary
After flying above Gran Canaria, cross the ocean and visit Tenerife, including the volcano.
Uploaded By: SlimSegi
Flight Rules: VFR
Stops: 2
Downloads: 898

The 110 NM ~1.15 hour route is as follows:

> GCLB El Berriel

1) GCLP Gran Canaria (Touch-and-Go)

2) WP1 Morrón de la Agujereada (Flyover)

3) WP2 Agaete (Flyover)

4) GCXO Los Rodeos (Touch-and-Go)

5) WP3 Montana Ayosa (Flyover)

6) WP4 Pico del Teide 12,200 ft (Flyover)

7) WP5 El Calderón (Flyover)

8) GCTS Reina Sofia (Full-Stop)

Flight Altitudes
Recommended Add-ons