Namibia's Desert Mountians - AA
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Recommended Aircraft
Kitfox, Cubcrafters, C172
Flight Summary
8 Quick stops to flying around Nambia. Beautiful Scenery of mountains among the desert sands!
Uploaded By: Airtzel Adventures
Flight Rules: VFR
Stops: 6
Downloads: 617

We start off at Witwater West Airport heading east we land up at Farm Whitwater East. Continuing east we land at Maltahohe Airport (1) and then we do a hop south to Maltahohe Airport (2) then routing west, we land at Sossusvlei Mountain Lodge. A short hop to the south and we are at Afro Venture Airport, heading further south Kerweder Airport and last leg is east bound, and its called Meier Airstrip Landing Site. I hope you enjoy this plan, let me know what you think if there are comments below.. (this is my first route, and first post on You can join in some group flights by joining our discord: Thank you.

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