An Unexpected Journey
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Flight Summary
Today we have a guest flight plan from DUX. Starting at Milford Sound (NZMF) we take off towards NW and out to the sea in order to get enough altitude to get over the Mountains.
1h 10m
Uploaded By: ColKlink
Flight Rules: VFR
Stops: 3
Downloads: 728

At Paradise which was used as filming location for LotR and the Hobbit representing parts of Lothlórien among others, we take a right turn and follow Lake Wakatipu. After a left bend of the lake we land in Queenstown (NZQN). Takeoff again we head over the north eastern mountain range and follow Cardrona Valley towards Lake Hawea. Here we land at Dingleburn Station Airstrip (NZWC) on what looks like a gray field. This is the half way point and therefore a good spot for an intermission. Going further north / north-east we use the valley to climb to 8500ft again in order to clear the mountains ahead of us. After we wind our way to the east we enter a valley with a not so small airfield at the foot of Mount Cook (NZMC). You can use the flat plain towards Lake Pukaki to loose altitude and to set yourself up for landing here. Our last leg leads us north over Tasman Lake and Tasman Glacier, the largest glacier in NZ, named after Dutch explorer Abel Janszoon Tasman. We use the glacier again to climb to 9500ft so we can cross the side of Mount Cook, the highest mountain in NZ. We scrape our plane along the sides of the mountain and head NW towards the open sea in order to loose our altitude again and to finally land at Franz Josef Aerodrome (NZFJ).


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