CYLW to CYKA - Kelowna to Kamloops via Enderby, Salmon Arm, Chase
This flight plan has not been rated.
Recommended Aircraft
Kodiak 100, Cessna Grand Caravan
Flight Summary
Visit British Columbia, Canada, starting from the Okanagan Valley and landing in beautiful Kamloops, going over several lakes and famous towns. Flight time: 30 minutes (the estimated time of 11:11 is a bug)
Uploaded By: ZILL.NIAZI
Flight Rules: VFR
Stops: 4
Downloads: 643

Visit British Columbia, Canada, starting from the Okanagan Valley and landing in beautiful Kamloops, going over several lakes and famous towns. Flight time: 30 minutes (the estimated time of 11:11 is a bug)

Flight Altitudes
Recommended Add-ons