New Zealand Local Series: Gorge River Supply Run
Recommended Aircraft
DHC-2 Beaver, Bagolu’s C172 taildragger
Flight Summary
Fly in supplies to the Long Family at Gorge River airstrip, following the real world route that the local pilots take from Queenstown
Uploaded By: ZK
Flight Rules: VFR
Stops: 0
Downloads: 900

Follow the very route that supply aircraft fly when dropping passengers and freight into the isolated settlement of Gorge River, located on the West Coast of New Zealand's South Island. In the real world, this airstrip is located adjacent to a house occupied by the Long Family, and is two days hike to the nearest road.


The family rely heavily on supply drops from bush aircraft capable of landing on their narrow 360 metre long grass runway adjacent to the ocean. In the prologue of the book, 'The Boy From Gorge River', the exact route these aircraft take is described in depth and was able to be plotted in Little Nav Map to recreate in MSFS.


Depart NZQN, turn north, and commence a climb towards 8000 feet. Cross the Skippers Saddle near Cadrona Ski Field, and track northwest across the Skippers Range towards the flat valley area behind Glenorchy township. Cross the Dart River, then pick up the Rockburn Valley following the valley to its end until reaching Parks Pass.


A sharp left turn after crossing the saddle here, followed by another turn to the right will put you into the wider Hollyford Valley. Continue flying in a northwesterly direction, crossing overhead Lake Alabaster, where you can commence your descent, and then follow the Pike River out of its end.


To your left, you'll be able to see Big Bay and views out towards the Tasman Sea, but continue inland, following the natural valley that will reveal Gorge River at WP15, which you can then turn to follow all the way out to the coast. Arriving overhead the airstrip, feel out the wind and make a decision on which direction to land. A practice approach, running your wheels along the strip is recommended before committing to a final landing. After touchdown, park up at the northern end and unload your supplies to the cabin!


Note 1: World Update 12 New Zealand is required to display the Gorge River airstrip scenery


Note 2: Navigraph users need to temporarily remove "navigraph-navdata-base" and "navigraph-navdata" from thier Community Folder to load flightplans with custom waypoints into MSFS

Flight Altitudes
Recommended Add-ons
Bagolu’s C172 taildragger