World Tour Part 18: Spain Pt. 2
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TBM or similar performance
Flight Summary
Apparently there are more Spanish speakers in the US than in Spain and Ibiza is one of the most visited places in the country. All we know is that a a 47-story skyscraper in Spain has no elevator...
1h 30m
Uploaded By: ColKlink
Flight Rules: VFR
Stops: 4
Downloads: 432

After a short break we continue our journey and yes, we are still in Spain. Today we are flying from Palma De Mallorca (LEPA) to Almeria (LEAM) with stops in Ibiza (LEIB), Alicante (LEAL), De Murcia (LEMI) and Guadix (LEFN) Remember, if you dare to walk the streets of downtown Palma de Mallorca without a shirt you can be slapped with a fine of €600.

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