West Kootenay Regional Airport to Kelowna
This flight plan has not been rated.
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Flight Summary
Fly the interior of Canada's beautiful British Columbia. From runway 33 follow the Columbia River from CYCG Kootenay to Upper Arrow Lake and through the Kootenay mountains to CYLW Kelowna on Okanagan Lake. 5000 ft for the river and ascend to 8000 ft on the turn West to the mountains.
Uploaded By: Troy
Flight Rules: VFR
Stops: 0
Downloads: 110

Contact Kelowna ATIS for the runway in use. Watch the approach as the mountains are still very much in play until final, during which you may need a steeper descent than normal. As it says in my summary, I maintain 5000 ft for the river and then 8000 ft at the turn West to the mountains. 

Flight Altitudes
Recommended Add-ons
Ultra Weather Presets by RMSTUDIOS (Paid Add-on)
Canada World Update XI