[G.A World Tour] - 001 -- SBBP to SBRP
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Recommended Aircraft
PA-24 or any other G.A Aircraft
Flight Summary
The start of an amazing adventure around the flat globe, I'll start this journey from the airport closest to my town and the first goal, is to get to Ribeirão Preto, a city in the state of São Paulo, Brazil
1h 20m
Uploaded By: RickSF
Flight Rules: IFR
Stops: 0
Downloads: 19

The start of an around the globe journey. I'll try my best to make to create this tour with short legs (besides those huge steps we must need to cross the ocean) so it would be doable by any g.a plane (including our loved 152), but I'll be using an PA-24 during all the legs.

The trip will start from SBBP, the closest airport from the town I live, and my first goal will be to leave Brazil by its north part, and go to Carib.

I'm doing all the legs as IFR, so I'll be able to use Beyond ATC, but feel free to do everything as VFR. Since I'm not using any GPS on my PA-24, all the legs will be using exclusively VORs, so I encourage everyone trying this tour to do it with VOR only or VFR and forget the GPS even exists during this trip.

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